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Quapaw Tribe to partner with EPA on remediation project

There are a number of contaminated sites in both Oklahoma and Kansas. To remediate them, federal officials are working with locals—in this case, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma.
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EPA to follow California down the path of lower emissions

Those who want to understand how the EPA's new emissions regulations will work should look to California.
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EPA issues long-delayed water-cooling mandate

After some delays, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released its final 316(b) rule for existing facilities that employ cooling water drawn from various domestic water supplies.
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Duke Energy, EPA plan to clean coal ash spill site

Duke Energy has reached an agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding plans for cleaning up the site of a coal ash spill.
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Hurricane season expected to be milder than usual in 2014

Hurricane season is approaching, and industries that conduct sensitive environmental operations must pay close attention to weather forecasts and predictions about how this upcoming season will play out.
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Obama Administration seeks to cut carbon emissions

The White House has ordered the EPA to write new regulations that will spur the creation of state cap-and-trade programs and cut carbon emissions from coal-fired plants by as much as 20 percent.
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Hess plans to sell thousands of stores

When entities transfer real estate, they have to concern themselves with more than the financial issues surrounding the transaction. It is also important to take steps to mitigate any lingering environmental issues that might still exist on the property.
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Can drones help the oil industry grow?

Oil production isn't just growing—it's growing more efficiently. This will only continue as companies invest in technology.
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EPA to pursue new fracking fluid disclosure requirements

While hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking" wells have contributed heavily to overall domestic oil production, the amount each region produces can vary widely. New technology may be necessary for further production.
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Offshore drilling still a major source of oil—and risk

The oil industry has been growing rapidly in the U.S. for years, thanks to major deposits that have recently become available with the help of new drilling technology. But while much has been made of advancements in onshore hydraulic fracturing, equal efforts have been put forward to improve drilling techniques offshore.
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Growing oil industry must pay attention to environmental liabilities

The American oil and gas industries are stronger than they have been in years, particularly in the South and the Midwest. Still, companies need to ensure that they pay attention to their environmental impact.
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E.P.A. Faulted for Failure to Report Risks

The Environmental Protection Agency failed to consistently disclose health risks, including possible cancer risks, to…

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OSHA, EPA work to promote safe environmental management

OSHA and the EPA are working to improve safety at Superfund sites.
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Texas crude production hits highest level since 1980

HOUSTON — An index that measures oil and gas activity in Texas has reached a…

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Regulator Without Peer

Anyone wondering why the U.S. economy can't seem to grow at its usual pace should…

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