Air Permitting and Compliance
PPM provided air compliance and permitting services to three facilities owned by Mosaic, including outsourcing on-site environmental compliance staff for six months due to an unforeseen reduction in the client’s in-house environmental staff. In addition to handling all matters related to air regulations, PPM also provided assistance with outfall sampling and submitting their Annual Hazardous Waste Report.
During this project, PPM prepared a modification and renewal application for the Title V Operating Permit for the Faustina Granulation Plant and performed a PSD analysis for a potential project at the Tampa Port Services Ammonia Plant. PPM prepared and submitted the following reports for all three Mosaic facilities: Title V compliance reports, Semiannual Monitoring Reports, Semi-Annual Consent Decree Reports, Annual Compliance Certifications, NESHAP BB and NSPS H Db Subpart reports, Toxic Release Inventory, and Emissions Inventory.
PPM also assisted with Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) inspections and provided guidance to plant personnel in order to comply with permit conditions. This included applicability determinations for the requirements of 40 CFR 63 NESHAP Subpart BB, Phosphate Fertilizers Production Plants and 40 CFR 63 NESHAP DDDDD, Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers and Process Heaters to correct areas of non-compliance and update permit conditions. To help identify instances of non-compliance, PPM assisted in the creation of a compliance report that monitors compliance with Subpart BB and Title V permit requirements for their scrubber systems at the Faustina Granulation Plant. PPM also submitted Asbestos Demolition & Renovation Forms (ADVF) for asbestos remediation projects and provided guidance in updating their Asbestos training program.
Project Highlights
- Prepared a Modification and Renewal Title V Permit Application
- Performed PSD Analysis
- Prepared and submitted all required air compliance reports
- Performed applicability determinations for NESHAP Subparts
- Assisted in the creation of a compliance report to identify areas of non-compliance
- Performed Outfall Sampling
- Prepared Annual Hazardous Waste Report