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The history of gasoline and octane additives mirrors technological advancements, evolving public health knowledge, and environmental awareness. Initially a byproduct of oil refining, gasoline rose to prominence with the invention of the automobile in the late 19th century. As car engines became more powerful, the need for octane additives to prevent engine knocking became paramount. The story of gasoline’s evolution is also the story of how octane additives, once dominated by toxic substances like lead, have shifted toward more sustainable and environmentally friendly alternatives such as ethanoL
Key Topics and Takeaways
- Intro – host Zane Hood interviews Todd Perry about his recent article
- Initiatives that have changed fuel over the years
- The history of gas through the decades
- Leaded to unleaded- dangers of lead poisoning
- MTBE and use as an additive
- Benzene as an octane booster, health risks
- Ethanol – challenges and benefits, costs and subsidies
- Reach out to PPM for any questions!
Resources and Links
The Evolution of Gasoline and Octane Additives: From Lead to Ethanol
by Todd Perry, Principal, PPM Consultants